Goal 4: Safe and inspiring campus Develop a safe and inspiring campus to support a global values-based community. Related Initiatives 4A. Sustainability and resilience Prioritize sustainability and resilience in all key decisions made by the school (e.g. purchasing policy, programming, etc.). 4B. Focused capital expenditures Prioritize deferred maintenance and capital projects focused on historic buildings, classroom experience, sustainability and accessibility. 4C. Zone management approach Develop a zone management approach to facilities and grounds that makes all members of the UWC-USA community responsible for a safe and sustainable campus. 4D. Community access Provide local access to UWC-USA while creating a safe and healthy campus environment for our students. 4E. Meeting the opportunities and challenges of our campus location To develop a host of specific strategies to help the school meet the opportunities and challenges of our campus and its location.Toggle Content Goal 4 Implementation Progress 65%