Goal 5: Funding

The SLT finalizes a set of coherent action recommendations for initiative 5E: Meeting the Challenges and Opportunities of our Campus Location

The SLT’s review of the  recommendations submitted by the 5E  cross-functional team dates back to the spring of 2021.  At that time, the SLT designated a number of these recommendations for revision and reconsideration. It has now completed this work.  For the 5E initiative, the SLT has approved four recommendations, revised and approved three others, and …

The SLT finalizes a set of coherent action recommendations for initiative 5E: Meeting the Challenges and Opportunities of our Campus Location Read More »

The SLT finalizes sets of coherent action recommendations for the 5C Tuition Strategy and 5D Alternative Revenue Strategy initiatives

Over the summer the SLT completed its review of the recommendations from the 5C/D cross-functional team and designated these for further development. It has now completed this work.  For the 5C initiative, the SLT has expanded the recommendations from two to four.  For the 5D initiative, the Special Assistant and two members of the 5C/D team (the …

The SLT finalizes sets of coherent action recommendations for the 5C Tuition Strategy and 5D Alternative Revenue Strategy initiatives Read More »

The SLT finalizes a set of coherent action recommendations for the 5A Resource Allocation Model initiative

The SLT has approved a set of coherent action recommendations for the 5A initiative. Since the planning work for this initiative was postponed until the 2021-22 school year, it fell outside of our typical cross-functional team approach. Consequently, the SLT organized a working group to develop these recommendations. The working group included Jaclyn Gomez, Taylor …

The SLT finalizes a set of coherent action recommendations for the 5A Resource Allocation Model initiative Read More »